4 research outputs found

    Extraction of the pulse width and pulse repetition period of linear FM radar signal using time-frequency analysis

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    A common technique used by military to realize low probability of intercept (LPI) is linear frequency modulation (LFM) in the field of electronic intelligence (ELINT). This paper estimates the pulse width (PW) and the pulse repetition period (PRP) of LFM signal using instantaneous powers. The instantaneous powers were obtained either using time-marginal or power maxima approximated from a modified version of the Wigner-Ville distribution (WVD). The instantaneous power was also gotten directly from the signal by multiplication with its conjugate. Measurement was then carried out when the instantaneous power is ‘ON’ (the PW) and when it is ‘OFF’ (the PRP) at carefully selected thresholds. Thereafter, the mWVD-based algorithm was tested in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) at various signal-to-noise ratios. Results obtained during the test showed that the time marginal method emerged the best with minimum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of -5dB followed closely by the direct method with minimum SNR of -1dB at different thresholds. The results show that the proposed algorithm based on this modified WVD can be deployed in the practical field to determine radar’s performance and functio

    Cash Waqf Acceptance Among Entrepreneurs in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Cash waqf was introduced as an alternative for individuals who do not have an immovable asset but rather have the cash to donate as waqf. It can be observed, however, that Muslims in Kano State narrow their perception of waqf only to be in the form of a kind but not in cash. It is to say that public awareness and understanding of cash waqf are insignificant. Therefore, this study aims to assess factors influencing the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in the Kano metropolis with particular reference to Singer Market. The study employed partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and was theoretically guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Structured survey questionnaires were administered to 379 respondents whom were registered entrepreneurs in Singer Market based on a convenience non-probability sampling technique. Descriptive statistics using charts and tables were employed to analyze the demographic information, while data collected from the respondents were analyzed utilizing AMOS, version 21. The study uncovered that perceived behavioral control and religiosity significantly influenced the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in Singer Market in Kano Metropolis, while awareness and attitude did not. This paper recommends that the management of the Kano State Zakat and Hubsi Commission (KSZHC) should establish sensitization programs to create awareness and promote cash waqf for the public to mobilize more potential waqf donors in the state

    Cash Waqf Acceptance Among Entrepreneurs in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

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    Cash waqf was introduced as an alternative for individuals who do not have an immovable asset but rather have the cash to donate as waqf. It can be observed, however, that Muslims in Kano State narrow their perception of waqf only to be in the form of a kind but not in cash. It is to say that public awareness and understanding of cash waqf are insignificant. Therefore, this study aims to assess factors influencing the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in the Kano metropolis with particular reference to Singer Market. The study employed partial least square–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and was theoretically guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Structured survey questionnaires were administered to 379 respondents whom were registered entrepreneurs in Singer Market based on a convenience non-probability sampling technique. Descriptive statistics using charts and tables were employed to analyze the demographic information, while data collected from the respondents were analyzed utilizing AMOS, version 21. The study uncovered that perceived behavioral control and religiosity significantly influenced the intention to accept cash waqf among entrepreneurs in Singer Market in Kano Metropolis, while awareness and attitude did not. This paper recommends that the management of the Kano State Zakat and Hubsi Commission (KSZHC) should establish sensitization programs to create awareness and promote cash waqf for the public to mobilize more potential waqf donors in the state